I bungee jumped. twice.
Now, for those of you that have known me for any length of time, I probably don't seem like the bungee type, but somehow I have come to a place of "no fear", or so it seems. Walking up to the bridge and looking over the edge into the ravine below only propelled me further to wanting to do it... and the excitement, anticipation and adrenaline combined were enough to keep my mind from thinking too much about it. I jumped the first time frontwards, and just imagined I was a bird. The moment of ultimate panic sets in though about 2 seconds after your feet leave the platform, when your poor little body has the sudden realization that you are flying through the air with nothing around you... and then the bungee catches you. And you fly back up in the air. And down again. It's like a roller-coaster of sorts, but more dangerous? Don't really know. The second time I jumped was a complete surprise because the video didn't work the first time, so they "let" me jump again. ha. And to be a bit more daring, I jumped backwards. That is one of the most terrifying and exhilarating experiences. The sensation is definitely stronger when you can't see where you're falling!!! Took my heart a little longer to recover after that one...
Needless to say, the experience was one of a kind. The only thing I can liken it to is being on the back of a horse that is running a little faster than you want it to when you don't know exactly what you're doing and you're slipping out of the saddle. Excitement and panic at the same time.
But I have this theory that the things that we tell ourselves we can't do are indeed the very things we need to be doing, because when we push ourselves outside of our comfort zone, we GROW!
That only then reminds me of what it means to live in a "comfort zone" and for all of us that looks different. Comfort zones are those places where we live daily in this place of being content, around people we like and get along with, doing this that come easily or are obligations, like going to work or school, and then coming home to enjoy time with our families and friends... But I remember in my first days of college being challenged to live outside my comfort zone, expanding my view of the world and of myself by doing things and talking to people that pushed me to a place of uncertainty. Force yourself to grow!
But I think that reality in all of this is that as a person daily pursuing the Lord, He calls us to live in the uncomfortable places, because as soon as we get comfortable, we have lost our effectiveness as witnesses for the gospel. Our examples are men like Paul, who endured every kind of persecution, and King David, who devoted so much of himself to the Lord that even when he fell away, He was able to see how God was refining him, and His love of the Lord grew ever more fervently. Other examples include Ruth, who left her home land to follow the calling God had for her, Daniel in the Lion's den, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fire, Moses in challenging the Pharoah of Egypt, the Disciples and the list goes on..
And then we look to Jesus, who did everything that counteracted the "norm" of his time. He was truly one of a kind, and when He wasn't adored as a teacher or healer or leader, He was despised and hated, spat upon and persecuted. His example of living "outside the comfort zone" puts all of us to shame, but is the ultimate source of encouragement. He endured the cross, died as the atonement for all our sin, but then was raised from the dead. A life of being "uncomfortable" exchanged for the Crown of Glory.
Is there anything greater? I challenge you today, as I challenge myself, to make a new friend, listen to that urge in your heart when you see someone that needs help, spend more time finding ways to bless others because we have been tremendously blessed.
Also, Santiago, the little one living in my house, is one of the most incredible blessings in my life. He has learned to say "agua" (water), along with "mama" and "papa", and he's really good at pounding on my door first thing in the morning. It's adorable. He blows everyone kisses and gives the sweetest hugs. I love to watch as God is growing him up, it is truly a miraculous thing!
I also wrote about a month ago about a sweet elderly woman that I work with named Luisa. Two weeks ago, she passed away from a brain tumor. She was a delicate and beautiful woman, who had all but lost the ability to speak and spent most of her time in pain, sleeping in a rocking chair. I do however believe that God ordains all things for His purpose and I feel that I met her for no other reason than to love her and keep her memory alive. She left an imprint on my heart.
This is week 8, 7 more to go, halfway there. I miss you all and love you dearly! God has been incredibly faithful here, and at home, through the stories I have heard. Keep following hard after Him! I am praying and I covet your prayers.
Praise be to the Lord, our Great God.
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