I wrote this on Monday of this week as an email that I sent to many of my friends and family. I felt like it should be put here as well and further shared, to inspire conversation and personal thought...
Having perused facebook today, there is an inundation of people talking about the meteor shower tonight... and i sat here thinking about it, and wether or not it will be visible from Costa Rica, God slammed me in the face with this:
what's amazing is that the Spirit of God is already doing that, and He doesn't need our help- but He just created us to be that way. We were created solely to share our testimonies with the world- how we have been changed, redeemed, convicted, pursued and BOUGHT WITH A PRICE. We are here to glorify, forgive, humble ourselves, and LOVE.
what if we started living like Christ was as "cool" and important as that meteor shower that everyone is staying awake for tonight, that will only last for less that ONE DAY- and actually made a big deal about living with life-changing faith. We were created by and live for a God that conquered the grave, daily has VICTORY over death, and will reign for ETERNITY.
Just imagine what this world would look like.
God created awesome things like meteor showers to display His glory... but we so often see the stars and not the Majesty.
so what's the big deal about a meteor shower... tell me about how JESUS is daily changing your life.
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15
thoughts anyone? What has God done for YOU?
Praise God, worship His name, Glorify the Giver of Life and Salvation. Surely HE is worthy.
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