Monday, November 23, 2009

The Adventure of a Lifetime

After 12 weeks of time here, 3 whole months of Costa Rica, I experienced for the first time something about this country that I will never forget-

the rainforest.

Saturday morning Cole, Lindsay and I met at my house at 5:15 am to catch 3 buses with our friend Eliecer who works with Cole, to Sarapiqui a small little place in the southern part of the country. We arrived there mid morning and bought groceries then headed out the a Refuge, in the middle of the rainforest.

This place is like nothing else I've seen in real life. It's a two story open style house of sorts, with the traditional stove and everything is made of wood. This is Costa Rica. It literally sits smack in the middle of the rainforest, surrounded by ever kind of wildlife you can imagine. On the second level are rooms with bunkbeds, but everything is open to the air, the bugs and everything.

Saturday day we made lunch and then spent some time relaxing after the almost hour walk to get to the place, carrying really heavy bags of groceries.

The man who built this place is Joani, the Costa Rican version of a mountain man... except he's like "rainforest man". The spirit in this man is absolutely incredible. He lives there alone and takes care of the forest. He can tell you the call of every bird, frog, animal, tree species, and everything. But the most unique thing about him is his incredible conviction for taking care of the earth- his spirit is connected to everything he lives with and they live with the mindset that every resource is usable to it's fullest extent. Waste not, want not. They use every little last bit of what they have, and waste nothing. Fruit and vegetable rinds are organic and get thrown back into the words to be eaten by the animals and the birds... bags and bottles are reused, and there is one light bulb in the place- and candles.

Can you imagine what our world would look like if we all lived in a way that conserved the earth and all the resources we have been given?

Saturday night we took a little walk... to go fishing. We ended up in the area that looked like a fairy tale... lots of little colored trees planted nicely, a fishing pond, a hillside pasture of cows and another outdoor kitchen, clean as it could be, with costa rican women preparing dinner. It was wild. We used coke bottle as fishing rods to catch the tilapia living in the pond, to eat for dinner. After the sun went down, and we'd been fishing for hours, Eliecer came to get us to eat dinner and I cast my line one more time... and I caught a fish. It was awesome.

If you've never had TRULY fresh, fried fish before, you won't understand how delicious this was, especially in the middle of the Costa Rican rainforest, prepared by Costa Rican women that were born with a perfect sense for cooking. It was SOOO good. Fried tilapia, fresh salad, platanos and yuca. Yum! We sat after dinner and talked for a long time with Joani, his brother Henri and Eliecer, about protecting resources and about God. It is incredible to me how the Lord just opens door to share His Word and to share our stories. He certainly was working.

We spent the night just hanging out and talking and then off to bed... with bats and cockroaches the size of our hands. wow. It is definitely an adventure!

Sunday morning we got up, fixed breakfast and then headed into the forest for a hike of sorts. It was breathtaking. There is no way to describe how beautiful and green everything is and how REAL it is. You are really in the rainforest. wow. It's always raining there and so mud is inevitable, and we had a great time laughing as we all kept sliding. You HAVE to wear mud boots here. Have to. and we did. The Sarapiqui River runs through the forest and it's beautiful. After a couple hours of hiking and adventuring, we headed back to camp, grabbed some kayaks and went back down to the river.

Needless to say, I'm not the worlds best kayaker... but we laughed so hard that the whole experience was worth it. Trying to paddle up-stream is not exactly my forte. We floated down the river a-ways, but Cole was too big for his kayak and was loosing circulation in his legs, and none of us were crazy about the idea of paddling all the way back up-stream, so we stopped to pull the kayaks out. However, this was a different place from where we entered the water, with a very steep and muddy slope. We were laughing so hard as we each tried to climb up and kept sliding right back down the slope, it was great, and our socks are ruined forever. Haha.

Lindsay and I were carrying one kayak together, Eliecer had the two smallest one, and Cole was pulling his, and it was like one steep hill after another, with so much mud, and people slipping... what a sight! But somehow here in Costa Rica, everything always works out and we got back to camp in no time- covered in mud. We washed everything then started making lunch and were joined by Joani and a couple of his friends. it was a great time- costa rican food, music and people. All in all we saw poison dart frogs, green tree frogs, monkeys and tons of birds. It was unreal.

The reality is that everyday is a gift- a precious opportunity to share everything that we have, for the Glory of God, because HE alone deserves our very best.

These are people I will never forget- unbreakable bonds, and a place that I will be returning to someday. Praise God for His glorious creation and how we are a part of it... we need to start taking better care of it though.

Think today about the things you use on a regular basis-
electricity/ energy
cleaning products
clothing/ linens

How can we live in a way that takes care of the things we have and doesn't completely waste them? Ultimately, what we do today affects the rest of the world for the rest of eternity- it all builds on itself. Take fewer showers, use less toilet paper, eat more vegetables and buy fewer pre-packaged products (they're bad for you anyway!). Drink water instead of buying bottled drinks- and use a re-usable water bottle instead of always buying one. When you travel- take things with you like a fork and spoon and biodegradable soap.

Be conscious of the world around you, and thankful for all that we have.
Praise God from whom all blessings truly flow.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Revelation of Sorts... 11/16/09

I wrote this on Monday of this week as an email that I sent to many of my friends and family. I felt like it should be put here as well and further shared, to inspire conversation and personal thought...

Having perused facebook today, there is an inundation of people talking about the meteor shower tonight... and i sat here thinking about it, and wether or not it will be visible from Costa Rica, God slammed me in the face with this:

what if the Spirit of God was as overwhelming and overtaking as the meteor shower that's supposed to happen tonight? what if everyone's facebook statuses said "going to worship the Lord" or "Look what our God can do" or "Christ is life" or "I'll never be the same"?

what's amazing is that the Spirit of God is already doing that, and He doesn't need our help- but He just created us to be that way. We were created solely to share our testimonies with the world- how we have been changed, redeemed, convicted, pursued and BOUGHT WITH A PRICE. We are here to glorify, forgive, humble ourselves, and LOVE.

what if we started living like Christ was as "cool" and important as that meteor shower that everyone is staying awake for tonight, that will only last for less that ONE DAY- and actually made a big deal about living with life-changing faith. We were created by and live for a God that conquered the grave, daily has VICTORY over death, and will reign for ETERNITY.

Just imagine what this world would look like.

God created awesome things like meteor showers to display His glory... but we so often see the stars and not the Majesty.

so what's the big deal about a meteor shower... tell me about how JESUS is daily changing your life.

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

thoughts anyone? What has God done for YOU?

Praise God, worship His name, Glorify the Giver of Life and Salvation. Surely HE is worthy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I find myself again, in complete awe of the love of Christ.

Let's just soak that in for a second... we believe in a God that loves us and pours His joy out into our lives everyday. We serve THAT God! Hallelujah!

There is a song by Hillsong United called "Unify" and it just describes it exactly:

"The whole earth falls to it's knees at the sound of Your Beautiful Name, and all the voices in the world unify today to bring You this song of praise!

This weekend was one of the most pivotal times I have had here. In my volunteer work at the Comedor, I met a family that goes to an evangelical church in Santa Barbara, really close to here. They invited me to come with them and so Sunday morning I got up, got ready and then took the bus into S.B. I was supposed to meet them on the bus, but they weren't there, and so when I got to the city I just stood and waited for a loooong time. I was standing next to the Catholic Church, thinking to myself "Well, I guess I could just go to the Catholic Church, but I'm not Catholic... Dear God, please help me find Jorge!"

No less than 6 seconds later, Jorge comes walking across the street. My goodness God is good.
We walked to the church and he introduced me to a mountain of wonderful, Costa Rican people that were just beaming. There is a spirit of hospitality here that is just amazing.

The service started and I was glad to see a praise band made up of young people. I was reminded of all the time I spent in praise band and it was neat to be lead in worship by people my own age. The first chords of the first song started and I almost began to cry, they were playing "Come Now Is The Time To Worship", in Spanish. If that's not a call to open up your heart, I don't know what is. It was in that moment as if God had just reached down His arms and wrapped them around me... I knew the song and I could worship. They also played "Trading My Sorrows" and "Open the Eyes of My Heart", songs I've known since I was a child.

Whats amazing is that I have prayed, before I got here, and for the 9 weeks we have been here, to find a church family, and while we only have a very short time here, God provided in an incredible way. I then spent the morning in a young adult sunday school class, talking about Matthew 28, the Great Commission. The youth pastor is a young guy with a wonderful gift for presenting the truth of the gospel to young people in a way that makes so much sense and restores hope for this generation. We had a great talk about what it means to live for Christ, to share Him with others and to know the truth.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He is an amazing God, loving toward all He has made and jealous for our hearts. In HIS time, HE provides.

Please be encouraged and in whatever you're going through, wherever you are, however you feel, nothing can steal your joy because "the Lord is near." (phillipians 4:5) and "if God is for us, who can be against us?" We truly are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (romans 8)

I am praying for the revelation of Christ in this generation, in this place.

thank you for your prayers and for believing that God is faithful to do the things He has promised. Oh how He loves us... that is amazing.

His named be praised for how awesome He is!